Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Extreme Mortman » A Coup D’état For Crudités - Just When You Thought it Was Safe to Take Politics Seriously Again

Extreme Mortman: Obama Dines With Conservative Opinion Leaders.
: "
It’s true.

He motorcaded to a house in Maryland this evening, and if the press pool report is accurate, he is breaking bread with William Kristol and David Brooks. (If Brooks and Kristol seem to be unusually briefed about Obama’s thinking, you’ll know why.)

CBS News’s Dan Raviv tells the pool that the house, on Grafton Street in Chevy Chase, belongs to George Will. (Unless he’s moved.)"

This is impressive. He is also meeting with the House Republicans, who he could completely ignore if he wanted to. Maybe he meant it when he said he wanted to be everybody's President...