From Marjorie Murray at CCHA:
Since we’re going to the polls today, we thought this would be a good time to post the lawsuit brought two weeks ago by the ACLU to force a homeowner association and its property manager to keep their mitts off the HOA resident exercising his constitutional right to post political signs.
OPPOSITION: (Verified 8/25/03)
Community Associations Institute, unless amended
Executive Council of Homeowners, unless amended
California Association of Community Managers
On the list are the three trade groups that collect homeowner money and then use it to lobby against homeowner rights in Sacramento – like homeowners’ right to constitutionally protected free speech.
If the trade groups want to lobby in Sacramento on behalf of their members, we absolutely support their constitutional right to political free expression.
But we sure wish they’d quit using homeowner money in Sacramento to dismantle the Bill of Rights.
CCHAL NewsBrief
November 2, 2010
Marjorie Murray, President
Center for California Homeowner Association Law
1305 Franklin Street, Suite 201
Oakland, California 94612