Yes! Eliminate the grief and injustices within your HOA! Eliminate your HOA BULLY BOARD! Help change Nevada's NRS116 Laws to make them more: "HOME-OWNER FRIENDLY"! By E-Mailing our State Legislatures by the Tens of Thousands of 'Nevada' Homeowners! Demand your HOA show complete Transparency! DO NOT let your 'Royal' Board Members dictate policy that is most times unfair and vindictive! DEMAND that ALL Governing Documents and Financial Reports be posted on your Community Website so that you......The HOMEOWNER....can study them, print YOUR LEISURE! Demand that you as a Homeowner.........gets to have a 'say' in your HOA 24/7 365 days a year, from the convenience of your Home Computer! You need never again attend a 'lame' HOA Meeting where you struggle to hear what is being said? And then are allowed only TWO MINUTES TO SPEAK! Demand that you, as a HOMEOWNER, gets to have 'Informational Voting Rights' in your HOA from the convenience of Your Home Computer 24/7 365 days a year! Yes!
The "occupy" movement is becoming synonymous with any kind of organized protest. Including this one in Nevada protesting HOA "bully boards." These occupiers also want to be able to avoid occupying the HOA club room for "lame" HOA meetings and are calling for more transparent government in Privatopia. Seems to me that's achievable with current technology and doesn't require an act of the legislature.