Don't throw away leftovers, warn "food police" - Telegraph: "Householders are to be visited by officials offering advice on cooking with leftovers, in a Government initiative to reduce the amount of food that gets thrown away.
Home cooks will also be told what size portions to prepare, taught to understand 'best before' dates and urged to make more use of their freezers.
The door-to-door campaign, which starts tomorrow, will be funded by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), a Government agency charged with reducing household waste."
Shu Bartholomew sent this along. The British seem to have lost the notion of limited government somewhere along the line as they make the UK into a literal "nanny state." Can't have a gun, can't hurt a burglar, can't even cook your own food without some bureaucrat telling you to make better use of your leftovers. The amazing thing is not that government officials are running amok and wiping out the entire concept of privacy. It is that the public doesn't put a stop to it. I guess that's why they call them "subjects" instead of "citizens."
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