Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina | Seattle Times Newspaper: "In Medina, a new sign bears this warning: 'You Are Entering a 24 Hour Video Surveillance Area.'

Cameras have recently been installed at intersections to monitor every vehicle coming into the city.

Under the 'automatic license plate recognition' project, once a car enters Medina, a camera captures its license-plate number. Within seconds, the number is run through a database."

Medina has 3100 people with an average income of $222,000. Note what gave them the idea: "The city looked to nearby Hunts Point as an example. The peninsula-shaped residential community just north of Medina has been using a video-camera setup to record a continuous loop of car traffic in and out of town for more than three years, town administrator Jack McKenzie said. Hunts Point has 433 people and an area of .3 sq. mile. I guess mini-cities like this are hard to distinguish from luxury gated communities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This, "'You Are Entering a 24 Hour Video Surveillance Area." appears to be gaiming popularity. I wonder who is paying for it, and why they want to know. Somewhat scary, don't you think?