Monday, June 15, 2009

CBS walls off neighborhood for reality show--The Live Feed

CBS walls off neighborhood for reality show--The Live Feed: "In the latest reality show 'social experiment,' CBS has walled off eight homes in an Atlanta suburb, forcing the neighbors inside to spend time with each other."
How about dumping some chainsaws and axes over the wall?

Seriously, how many more pseudo-reality shows do we need? Why not just do a documentary about life in a real gated community?


FBI Special Agents Mulder and Scully said...

Evil lurks within those walls as shown by our 1999 X-Files investigation into Arcadia Falls HOA.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!!

Anonymous said...

is this an HOA subdivision?

Anonymous said...

A truthful documentary is greatly needed! The time is long overdue and it appears filmmakers are taking notice. I personally know of one documentary group who is actively researching the idea!