Friday, October 12, 2007

9NEWS - Article - School sends home obesity notices with students, parent upset
I've been teaching college students for a long time. The problem with public K-12 education in America is NOT that they need to do a better job of telling parents their kids are fat. The problem is that, on the whole, American primary and secondary schools do a horrible job of educating kids. Every year I see a new crop of freshman with pathetic reading skills, virtually no math skills at all, and a vast reservoir of ignorance about history, politics, and culture. What do they learn instead? I would say they know a lot about styles and fashions and trends; about sports; about the lives of professional entertainers; and about a certain orthdoxy of belief on the environment and some other PC values. Now, of course there is an upper crust of students, and of schools, where this is not true. But for the vast bulk of American students, school is not really about learning. And there are lots of these silly mandates from state legislatures and school boards to do things like tell parents their kids are fat, all of which turn the public schools into big failures.


Anonymous said...

They do such a terrable job and yet they have the ability to tax without oversite. Arizona has a limit set for schools taxation but they know how to present blind information to get the over ride to that limit and the parents would never consider voting against the over ride they's be cheating their kids. They cheat their kids by not puting these school boards to task accounting for all the over paid administrators these districts continue to over pay!

Anonymous said...

I don't see how sending a note home to a parent about obesity is responsible for making the school a failure. it sounds like a pretty good idea to me, in case there are parents who are in denial. If the teacher, who comes across so many similarly-aged kids, thinks your kid is fat - then, buster, your kid IS fat.