Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Friday Flyer, September 12, 2008 - Article: Council candidates answer questions on their campaign

The Friday Flyer, September 12, 2008 - Article: Council candidates answer questions on their campaign: "Carl Armbrust: My campaign platform is to maintain the economic viability of Canyon Lake and its continued existence as a gated community."
That is every single word of the campaign platform of a candidate for the City Council of Canyon Lake, CA, which is in Riverside County. Pretty simple, I'd say. In answer to another question, he elaborated as follows: "I want to ensure that Canyon Lake remains the paradise I believe it to be," by which I think he may have been referring to that whole "gated community" thing.

You will find that the other candidates had a bit more to say about other mundane issues such as development, city revenues, fiscal responsibility, open government, and a few other minor matters. Busybodies!

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