Thursday, September 11, 2008 | Island fourth grader suspended for using broken pencil sharpener | Island fourth grader suspended for using broken pencil sharpener: "A 10-year-old Hilton Head Island boy has been suspended from school for having something most students carry in their supply boxes: a pencil sharpener.The problem was his sharpener had broken, but he decided to use it anyway. A teacher at Hilton Head Island International Baccalaureate Elementary School noticed the boy had what appeared to be a small razor blade during class on Tuesday, according to a Beaufort County sheriff's report. It was obvious that the blade was the metal insert commonly found in a child's small, plastic pencil sharpener, the deputy noted. The boy -- a fourth-grader described as a well-behaved and good student -- cried during the meeting with his mom, the deputy and the school's assistant principal. He had no criminal intent in having the blade at school, the sheriff's report stated, but was suspended for at least two days and could face further disciplinary action."
Anybody who thinks that utter and complete stupidity is the province of HOA and condo boards hasn't spent enough time looking at what public school officials do every day. School vouchers, anybody?

1 comment:

  1. The zero tolerance movement has left a trail of ridiculous and heartbreaking stories behind. Randy Cassingham often writes about them in his "This Is True" newsletter.
