Friday, September 12, 2008

Antarctic sea ice increases despite warming - earth - 12 September 2008 - New Scientist Environment

Antarctic sea ice increases despite warming - earth - 12 September 2008 - New Scientist Environment: "The amount of sea ice around Antarctica has grown in recent Septembers in what could be an unusual side-effect of global warming, experts say."
No matter what happens, it supports the global warming theory. Hot weather, cold weather, more ice, less ice...big storms, small storms...whatever. The debate is over and that's that. I suppose that is true in the sense that most of the public is no longer listening to the global warming alarmists. Their last stronghold is the public school systems, where the environmentalist brainwashing kids are subjected to is astounding. It is no wonder so many kids are depressed. They keep hearing that the world is ending. With my generation is was the fear of nuclear war, but at least we were told we could duck and cover under our desks.


  1. Duck and cover is as ludicrous as burying your head in the sand. Seems you do both. The science is getting clearer and clearer and all you have to say is DUCK AND COVER!!! Well, you are actively participating in the destruction of the biosphere as we knew it. A question: In 5 years, when it is abundantly clear that you and your kind were instrumental in killing off most species and engaging in policies ON PURPOSE that led to the most massive slaughter of humans (as in billions of dead within 100 years) conceivable, will you then say you're sorry?

  2. Perhaps you should eat more meat. Things might be easier for you to understand if you did.

  3. so you are advocating cannibalism?

  4. I definitely remember Bert the Turtle from watching "Duck and Cover" as a kid. Here is a link to the movie courtesy of

    As far as cannibalism, well maybe it would give the vegetarian other things to worry about - if his brain has not shrunk to far to think about such things. One could also compare brain sizes of plant eating dinosaurs with those of meat eaters - but both are extinct and there is nothing that either group could have done to change that!
