Saturday, April 24, 2004

Daily Herald: Big cat news spreading to Antioch
More on the cougar. Keeping kids inside during recess, sending notes home from school, three mores sightings in Antioch, another in Libertyville--this thing gets around. But it looks like we have the A Team on the job:

The Wilmses enlisted Ron Flug, Lake County's master hunter safety instructor, to set live traps in the hopes of snaring what is described as an extremely secretive animal. Flug, who had a 44-magnum on his hip, spent the day in the brush tracking the animal. He found traces of geese and other animals the cougar apparently has been feeding on."He's got a food source here, a good food source. I don't think he'll move on any time soon," said Flug, a former expert marksman in the Navy."

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