Saturday, April 24, 2004

Chicago Tribune | Cougar sightings puzzle officials
Thought I'd bring you all up to date on events in my neck of the woods--far north Lake County, Illinois, a few miles south of the Wisconsin border. My daughter's soccer game was cancelled this morning because somebody saw the cougar near the park yesterday. This is like "Jaws," but dry. What we need is a posse.

"The closest Patti Klodzinski had come to cougars was through binoculars in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies. But that changed recently. The Antioch resident said she spotted one of the large cats near her back porch. "I had this almost primal fear," Klodzinski, 36, a mother of four, said Thursday. "I knew it wasn't a dog--it just kept prowling." There has been a flurry of calls--five since last week--about cougar sightings in Lake County."

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