Saturday, April 24, 2004

County issues cougar warning...gee, thanks.
I feel so much safer now. The Lake County Health Department is on the case, armed with tranquilizer guns. Maybe they can threaten it with a series of rabies shots. Personally I's prefer a grizzled old lion hunter from Colorado with a .270 Winchester and a pack of hounds. A dart gun filled with sleepy juice may work fine with the occasional raccoon or badger, but I don't think anybody will be getting close enough to this cat for such antics. Zane Grey wrote a book called "The Lion Hunter" that I read when I was a kid. Out west they used dogs to tree the cat, then they shot it out of the tree. Maybe not too sporting, but cougars are fast, stealthy, and very dangerous.

"The mystery regarding what is believed to be a cougar in the Antioch area intensified Friday as the Lake County Health Department issued a rare safety alert to residents and schools. "We've gotten so many calls, it seems highly likely there is a cougar out there," said Leslie Piotrowski, spokeswoman for the department.
Residents were told to keep their cats indoors and not walk alone in wooded areas, among other warnings."

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