Saturday, March 19, 2016

Neighborhood gate opens up HOA troubles--Georgia - Story | WAGA

Neighborhood gate opens up HOA troubles - Story | WAGA

"The installation of a security gate opened the neighbors' eyes to just how closed off they feel they are to the management of their community. Even the HOA treasurer, the man in charge of the finances, says he no longer has a say in how the money is spent. 

 The treasurer says Brighton Village shelved an $80,000 gate proposal because they didn't have the money. But then after new board leadership arrived, he says, a gate was going in and the price was going up.  "And we're now at $135,000," he told the Fox 5 I-Team. 

 Alarmed, Montgomery sent a letter warning his neighbors that "no decision was voted on by the board." Neighbors chimed in wanting to know more. "We want to see the contract. We want to see the financial," said homeowner Zakia Funchess The Fox 5 I-Team has tried to talk to board president Michael Pillow about the mounting tensions since he took the post.  When I asked him, "Can we talk to you about the ill will between the board and some of the neighbors," he kept walking. "


He seems nice.  State laws need to mandate disclosure of association financial information, and most of all there needs to be an enforcement mechanism short of filing a civil suit or waiting for the next BOD election.

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