Saturday, March 19, 2016

Disabled vet concerned HOA fees dispute will lead to foreclosure

Disabled vet concerned HOA fees dispute will lead to foreclosure

SAN ANTONIO -- A disabled Air Force veteran who lost nearly all his hearing after going through treatment to remove a tumor said he is concerned he will now lose his home over a two-year-old dispute with his homeowners association regarding back dues. "I have my problems, but I have to try to help myself," said Northington Butler, Jr., who was sued by the Westover Crossing Homeowner's Association in March 2014. Butler and the HOA entered into a settlement agreement last July that required Butler to pay $100 a month to cover more than $2,300 in back dues, interest and attorney's fees. Certified money order records provided by Butler show he has made the monthly payment each month. However, Butler said he stopped receiving invoices for his regular HOA dues. When Butler wrote the HOA's attorney about the invoices last month, he received a letter back accusing him of not fully complying with the settlement agreement because he had not signed the paperwork."


I hope the association sees the light--the article says somebody at the management company says they don't intend to foreclose.

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