Thursday, March 31, 2016

Driverless Taxi Pods to Come to Gurgaon, An Indian City Run by Private Industry - CityLab

Driverless Taxi Pods to Come to Gurgaon, An Indian City Run by Private Industry - CityLab

Libertarians are excited about this city because it grew like crazy and has virtually no government or public infrastructure, and no regulation--Privatopia, in other words. Unfortunately, it is an environmental hellhole, and that's only the beginning.  If you are rich and living in a luxury skyscraper, I guess life is pretty sweet. But if you are poor, not so much.


"Gurgaon may be a bustling metropolis, but it lacks infrastructure, which means there’s no citywide system for water, electricity, or sewage. Private companies handle those, the economists write: Trucks that haul away waste dump it on public land, tap water is often delivered by private trucks, and reliable electricity often comes from diesel generators that pollute the environment."

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