Thursday, March 31, 2016

14 Million Americans Live in Extremely Poor Neighborhoods | FOX40

14 Million Americans Live in Extremely Poor Neighborhoods | FOX40:

"Suburban neighborhoods fell into deep poverty at more than double the rate of cities, according to Brookings. Almost three times as many people lived in concentrated suburban poverty in 2010-14 than in 2000. Also, a growing number of suburban neighborhoods are on the cusp of extreme poverty.

Lower income Americans have been flocking to the suburbs in recent years, following the jobs in construction, retail and restaurants that relocated there. But the suburbs lack the transportation, social services and affordable housing to help lift poor residents up the income ladder, Kneebone said. And those who lose their jobs become stuck in poverty there."


Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link. Being poor is hard, but being poor and living in a neighborhood of concentrated poverty is much worse. And non-whites who are poor tend to be concentrated in poor neighborhoods:  "Whites make up 44 percent of the nation’s poor, but account for just 18 percent of the poor people living in concentrated poverty. Poor blacks are almost five times as likely to live in extremely poor neighborhoods as whites, and poor Hispanics are more than three times as likely."  Poor people have been "flocking to the suburbs" for several decades, moving to small municipalities where there is little or no government of non-profit support structure for poor people. This has created crisis conditions in a number of places here in the Chicago, including south-of-Chicago suburbs  such as Harvey, Dolton, Markham, and a number of others.

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