Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Many earthen dams on private property are behind on repairs | The Columbus Dispatch

Many earthen dams on private property are behind on repairs | The Columbus Dispatch

"Almost 43 percent of the high-hazard earthen dams in Ohio are on private land — about 200 in all. They’ve been designated as such because if the dams fail, people who live in the water’s path likely will die. Like those owned by the state, private dams pose a serious threat in part because the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the state agency that inspects dams, goes easy on dam owners. It lets some dams remain dangerous for decades as it tries to negotiate repairs. Owners also are to blame: They often are ignorant about dam safety and lack money for repairs. “I think people are not aware of the liability that comes with the dam. ... There’s potential for great disaster, and people don’t realize that,” said Hans Gottgens, a professor of environmental sciences at the University of Toledo who has studied dam failure."


The condition of public infrastructure in this country is deplorable, and private infrastructure may be even worse.  But we are doing a great job of blowing up infrastructure in other countries and then paying private contractors to rebuild it. So there's that.  Thanks to Deborah for this link.  By the way, take a look at this list of high speed rail miles of track by country and see where USA ranks. This is what happens when a country is run by people who think the only proper roles of government are to make war and to serve as a source of plunder for the rich.

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