Monday, June 01, 2015

How California Homeowners Are Dealing with Drought | Digital Trends

How California Homeowners Are Dealing with Drought | Digital Trends

"Per the new regulations, watering lawns within 48 hours of “measurable” rainfall is a finable offense. Some people are forgoing their lawns all together, either following the State Water Resources Control Board’s urgings to let the die or finding creative solutions. Some are painting their lawns green. Others are ripping them up and putting in artificial turf (to the dismay of homeowners associations) or shrubs and plants that thrive in drought conditions (known as xeriscaping), thanks to rebates available in some areas."


Maybe the political system's reflexive deference to HOA regulations has finally run out, along with the state California's water supply. After all these decades of state legislatures and courts acting like the whims of some long-gone developer and his lawyer are holy writ, it would be nice to see some recognition that private law-making is subordinate to public policy.

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