Sunday, January 13, 2013

Woman says HOA demanded microchip in her dog � Evansville Courier & Press

Woman says HOA demanded microchip in her dog � Evansville Courier & Press
With a bunch of quotes from me, which you can read if you scroll down.  Sample:
"If you're going to buy a house, you ought to know well in advance of even making an offer on the house not only that there is an association, but what the rules are and what the finances of the association are," he said.

Homeowners might spare themselves the grief of being under the thumb of domineering, combative HOA officials, McKenzie said, by meeting them before buying. But he conceded they  [the board members] would have no real incentive to agree to such a meeting. "You'd want to find out what the climate is around here, what the attitude is toward owners, really to find out how strictly rules are enforced and how assessments are collected," he said. "You might ask some questions about how strict people are. Is it neighborly, is it friendly?"
Note: The reporter asked me if meeting the board members in advance would be a good idea, and I said it would, but that the BOD members have no obligation to do that and it hardly ever happens. I also pointed out that this sort of meeting does occur in housing cooperatives, and it probably contributes to the lower level of conflict found in co-ops.

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