Sunday, January 13, 2013

Independence Park to be Glenn Beck's 'Galt's Gulch' | Right Wing Watch

Independence Park to be Glenn Beck's 'Galt's Gulch' | Right Wing Watch
"On his program last night, Beck revealed that his intention to "go Galt" is quite literal, unveiling grandiose plans to create an entirely self-sustaining community called Independence Park that will provide its own food and energy, produce television and film content, host research and development, serve as a marketplace for products and ideas, while also housing a theme park and serving as a residential community.
At the center - in the middle of the lake that is itself larger than all of Disney Land - Beck (with the help of David Barton) will create a massive "national archive"/learning center where people can send their children to be "deprogrammed" and elected officials can come to learn "the truth."
To which I can only say, "Don't let the door hit you where the dog should have bit you."

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