Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gov. Jerry Brown calls for greener world, jabs at GOP 'declinists' - San Jose Mercury News

Gov. Jerry Brown calls for greener world, jabs at GOP 'declinists' - San Jose Mercury News

He said he wouldn't say what party such "declinists" tend to associate with, but "I can tell you they're losing power from coast to coast," he said, earning applause from the audience. And those who hung the nickname "Governor Moonbeam" -- "not a term of endearment" -- on him during his earlier gubernatorial terms "aren't around anymore, but I am."
California on Wednesday launched its new system for limiting greenhouse gas emissions by putting a price on carbon, as the state's Air Resources Board began auctioning permits to create a marketplace for such emissions. Businesses must either cut their emissions or buy permits from other companies for each extra ton of pollution discharged each year.
Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link. I think California's diverse economy will make a big comeback.


  1. The state has become nothing but a rent seeker off the backs of the citizens and businesses in the state.

    This faux marketplace of "carbon credits" is a dangerous precedent. How long before the bogus "sustainable" religion argues for "air credits". You have to pay to keep breathing. Its really not that far away given the Obamacare example where you now must purchase insurance simply because you exist and failure to do so is a crime. How long before breathing without paying the state becomes a crime?

  2. Maybe it is too early on Saturday but surely I'm guessing that the editorial comment "I think California's diverse economy will make a big comeback" was intended as sarcasm in view of the substance of the article?

  3. > How long before the bogus "sustainable" religion argues
    > for "air credits". You have to pay to keep breathing.

    As opposed to the libertarian dream of privatizing all the air, and paying the owners of the air to keep breathing?

    In the 1990 version of Total Recall, Vilos Cohaagen was the libertarian hero, while Douglas Quaid (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) was some type of socialist who probably voted for Democrats, or maybe even the Green Party.

    Douglas Quaid: Come on, Cohaagen! You got what you want. Give those people air!
    Vilos Cohaagen: My friend, in five minutes, you won't give a **** about the people.

    With Cohaagen in charge, Mars was a dependable red planet, until Quaid turned it blue and green.
