Saturday, November 17, 2012

Class action lawsuit filed against some Arizona HOA's | Phoenix

Class action lawsuit filed against some Arizona HOA's | Phoenix:
Robert hired his own attorney, Roger Wood, who told 3 On Your Side that he's discovered thousands of liens and lawsuits that he claims were wrongfully filed against Arizona homeowners, like the Leathams.

As a result, Woods recently filed a class action lawsuit against AAM, claiming it, and 26 other management companies, violated fair debt collections practices by charging illegal and exorbitant collection fees.

“That act is set up to help consumers, to help people like my plaintiffs in this case to protect themselves from unjust, unlawful predatory collection practices,” Wood explained.
This one should be worth watching.


  1. Yes, especially since Roger Wood used to work at that anti-homeowner law firm known as Carpenter Hazlewood.

    Now Roger works for the good guys - and it looks like he is no longer an industry hack.

  2. It WILL be entertaining to see these outfits flayed alive by rapacious attorneys...
