Saturday, September 08, 2012

Wells Fargo Accidentally Forecloses on Wrong House, Throws Away Couple’s Precious Memories

Wells Fargo Accidentally Forecloses on Wrong House, Throws Away Couple’s Precious Memories

The owners of a modest home near Twentynine Palms lost their cherished possessions after a bank mistakenly foreclosed their residence. A crew broke into Alvin and Pat Tjosaas’ desert home and took everything after being directed by Wells Fargo to secure the structure...
Alvin said the deputy sheriff said, “Good news, we know who took (your possessions)…Wells Fargo. Bad news, your stuff is all gone.” …A spokesman for Wells Fargo released a statement apologizing to the couple.
“We are deeply sorry for the very personal losses the Tjosaas family suffered as a result of their home being mistakenly secured,” said Alfredo Padilla. “We are moving quickly to reach out to the family to resolve this unfortunate situation in an attempt to right this wrong.”
The couple didn't even have a mortgage. Alvin and his father built the house with their own hands.  The corporate apology and promise to "right this wrong" are, of course, meaningless public relations ploys, because nobody is actually sorry and there isn't any way to make it right.  There have been many stories like this, and I think the only way to address this situation is for the people who ordered it and did it to go to jail. Maybe that would set an example for others and lead to making absolutely sure they are in the right house.

1 comment:

  1. > I think the only way to address this situation
    > is for the people who ordered it and did it
    > to go to jail.

    Only a communist would diss the job creatorz™.
