Friday, September 07, 2012

Man fatally shoots 1, wounds other at Ky. meeting - - Sept. 7, 2012

Man fatally shoots 1, wounds other at Ky. meeting - - Sept. 7, 2012: Hindi was only at the meeting for a short time before he started shooting, police said. Some of the several people in attendance detained him until officers arrived.

David Merritt, 73, a one-time president of the homeowners association, was shot once in the head and died at the scene, said Jefferson County Chief Deputy Coroner Jo-Ann Farmer. The wounded man, whose identity was not immediately released, was hospitalized Friday at the University of Louisville Hospital, Farmer said.

Spring Creek Homeowners Association attorney Mike Kelly told The Associated Press that the group accused Hindi of violating zoning laws. Hindi wrote several letters to Kelly, expressing anger and contempt for the attorney, Kelly said.
Shades of a similar Arizona incident in 2000 in which an HOA member went postal on the board of directors.

1 comment:

  1. Probably happens more often than what is reported. There is no question that HOA harassment affects familial relations, work performance, and physical & mental health.

    Note how the board members are inappropriately referred to as "code enforcement" as if they were authorized by a legitimate government to cite citizens. No doubt they wrapped themselves in the flag of "preserving property values", and blind obedience to restrictive covenants. Now they are dead because one of their victims really had little other recourse for stopping the harassment.

    Lawsuits are expensive and take lots of time. Bullets are cheap and the results are immediate. As far as references to the Arizona case (Glassel) perhaps it would be helpful to disclose exactly what kind of abuse Glassel was being subjected to before he put an end to his tormentors.
