Monday, December 26, 2011

Town concerned over condominiums’ serious fire-safety violations |

Town concerned over condominiums’ serious fire-safety violations |
FALLSBURG — The Town of Fallsburg is pushing the Grandview Palace condominiums’ homeowners association to correct fire-safety violations so serious that town officials have weighed the option of condemning the 396-unit complex as unsafe.
Grandview representatives met Thursday with officials from the county, town and the Loch Sheldrake Fire Department to forge a plan to correct a number of unspecified violations, said Fallsburg Supervisor Steve Vegliante.
The hope is to avoid having to evacuate residents – a mix of owners and renters – at the development, which thrived in the famed Borscht Belt era as Brown’s Hotel before it was rescued from bankruptcy and converted into condos.

This is another CID headed for the long dirt nap by the sound of this article. Thanks to Fred Pilot for the link.

1 comment:

  1. Government has no right to legislate how you build on your property...there are ways to deal with such potential conflicts without empowering government to make one-size-fits-all legislation.

    One approach involves what Professor Robert H. Nelson calls “Privatizing the Neighborhood:” buying a home affiliated with a homeowners’ association (HOA)...
    HOAs and common law traditions allow for variations in individual preferences and situations and allow creative methods of conflict resolution. Rigid legislation does not allow for that, and just rouses political conflict.

    -Brian T. Schwartz
    "Free-Market Alternatives to Zoning"
    The Independence Institute
    February 28, 2009
