Monday, December 26, 2011

Georgia sheriffs deputy orders HOA to unblock road

Other incidents in the West Jackson area reported to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office last week included:
•civil dispute at a Woods Creek Road, Jefferson, address, where two men from a homeowners association blocked access to a road because two dump trucks were driving through the subdivision. A man with the dump truck company said he had permission from Jackson County to use the road to dump dirt for another person, according to an incident report. A deputy told one of the men from the subdivision that if they didn’t move their vehicles, they would be towed for blocking a public road. The man was told to call the Jackson County Road Department of the commissioner’s office for questions.
You boys gonna be in a heap o trouble if you don't unblock this here road right quick.

1 comment:

  1. There you go again. Blockheads with the "homeowners association" corporation believe they are empowered to control public streets.

    Will the sheriff's office get involved when the blockheads are pulling stunts like this with involuntary members of the HOA corporation or only when the blockheads mess with non-members like representatives from the sheriff's office or dump truck drivers?

    It's sad the driver should be forced to explain why he is using the road. It's a PUBLIC road.

    involuntary = not consensual
