Friday, October 14, 2011

Clayton Cramer's Blog: Righthaven Pleading For Mercy

Clayton Cramer's Blog: Righthaven Pleading For Mercy
I look forward to the day that Righthaven's CEO, Steve Gibson, is held personally liable for the actions of Righthaven, loses his fancy car, his home, and all of his other assets. After all: that's what he was trying to do to others who innocently stumbled into the Righthaven scheme. I can't think of a more deserving lawyer.
Clayton Cramer socks it to the Righthaven copyright trolls and those who lurk behind them. Thanks to Bill Davis for the link.

1 comment:

  1. "I look forward to the day that Righthaven's CEO, Steve Gibson, is held personally liable for the actions of Righthaven, loses his fancy car, his home, and all of his other assets."

    It is time for Clayton Cramer to turn in his membership card to the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.

    Every good conservative and libertarian knows that the purpose of a corporation is to shield one's personal assets from the corporation's debts and liabilities.

    Next think you know, Mr. Cramer will be calling for an end to "corporate personhood" and joining the Occupy Wall Street crowd...
