Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Example of The Laws Just Ignored- Object to Powers of Attorney in All Foreclosure Cases….. | Matt Weidner - Candidate For The American People

Another Example of The Laws Just Ignored- Object to Powers of Attorney in All Foreclosure Cases….. | Matt Weidner - Candidate For The American People
Says foreclosure defense attorney Matt Weidner: "At some point in time I should just give up on thinking our laws in this country matter anymore because in the context of foreclosures, the laws are so violently and flagrantly ignored that we just might as well dispense with the whole fiction of a court process and just turn the homes over to the banks…..(Oh right, we’re already doing that in expedited foreclosure proceedings and there’s a HUGE move ahead to institutionalize this with the passage of Florida’s (un)Fair Foreclosure Act.)"
That proposed law would bring non-judicial foreclosure to the state of Florida. I think NJF is a major league anti-consumer practice that should not be allowed, ever.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. McKenzie,
    To the best of my knowledge non judicial foreclosure is not legal in Pennsylvania, however, some attorneys and their accomplices, are using it, along with the "extortion attempt," in the HOA/COA foreclosures. Where the the investigators and why is no one doing anything? Even homeowners who have no contract with the association making the "allegations." It is absolutely crazy. No monies are owed, to any legit, or contractual creditor and the HOA attorney, the entire time is just making up liens against the or loose, he and his cohorts try to extort the sum first, then foreclosure. Experience and educated opinion.
    Did you hear the AG of Delaware, Beau Biden, last weekend on the foreclosure fraud? Google his interview, it is worth the time.
    It was on MSNBC, I believe.
