Saturday, September 10, 2011

Squatters are shot where my wife comes from: Doctor whose £1m home was taken over by spongers hits out at the law | Mail Online

Squatters are shot where my wife comes from: Doctor whose £1m home was taken over by spongers hits out at the law | Mail Online
His story started when squatters took over the five-bedroom Edwardian home he and his heavily pregnant wife planned to move into in time for the birth of their first child.

The raggle-taggle group of foreigners and drop-outs ignored his repeated pleas to leave the West London property despite telling them that his 35-year-old wife Kaltun was being put under emotional strain and the ordeal was placing their unborn baby at risk.

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And you think your HOA board of directors is hard to deal with...

1 comment:

  1. Here's my favorite part:
    "An estimated 20,000 squatters in the UK are exploiting lax laws.

    Although it is illegal for squatters to stay if the property owner demands they leave, police will usually intervene only after the despairing householder has spent thousands of pounds obtaining a court eviction order.

    The squatters’ ultimate goal — which, thankfully, is rarely realised — is to squat in a property for ten years, at which point they become the new legal owner."

    Read more:
