Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kinde Durkee 'Nearly Wiped Out' Loretta Sanchez's Campaign Fund | TPMMuckraker

Kinde Durkee 'Nearly Wiped Out' Loretta Sanchez's Campaign Fund | TPMMuckraker
Durkee was arrested by the FBI on Friday on mail fraud charges. The feds said she used campaign funds for her own personal purposes, including paying her mortgage; her mother's nursing home costs; and credit card charges for cosmetics and ice cream.

A major player in the California campaign finance world, Durkee had an extensive list of clients in California, according to the Secretary of State's office. On the federal level, Federal Election Commission records show she was treasurer for 161 various committees over the course of her career.

Interesting that a member of Congress could be bilked this way. The same thing has happened in condo and HOA developments across the nation.

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