Wednesday, April 07, 2010

L.A. mayor calls for temporary shutdowns of some agencies -

L.A. mayor calls for temporary shutdowns of some agencies -
When you read all these demands to abolish HOAs and condos, keep in mind that such a thing can only happen through state legislation. Can you imagine the California state legislature tampering with the HOA cash cow, with cities running gigantic structural deficits? Neither can I. Cities and CIDs are joined at the hip now.


  1. Condo associations and HOAs are not one and the same. Condominiums as a form of property ownership exist only via statute. Single family homes have been around a long time and well before "HOA" corporations.

    The fact that the municipalities have denied homeowners rights and overspent the financial booty resulting from such denials is not a legitimate basis for continuing HOAs.

    Moreover in this article the mayor is working to shut down certain "amenities" to survive. Yet the HOA industry would have you foreclose on owners, "fine", and engage in endless litigation to preserve the "amenities" (i.e., financial liabilities) at all costs (to the homeowners of course). Sometimes it is better to go out of business or get out of certain businesses in order to survive. Of course from the homeowners' standpoint, survival means getting rid of liabilities whereas from the industry's standpoint survival means ensuring homeowners are involuntary members with zero control over the liabilities of the HOA corporation - a corporation that is allegedly there for the benefit of the owners.

  2. Anonymous @ April 7, 2010 1:59:00 PM CDT,

    In addition to going out of business, corporations can get rid of unproductive workers and replace them with ones who will generate more revenue for the company.

    The HOA model of corporate government takes the same approach with homeowners.
