Wednesday, April 07, 2010

KSBY News San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Paso Robles - Duck feeding ban approved in San Luis Obispo

KSBY News San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Paso Robles - Duck feeding ban approved in San Luis Obispo: "You will no longer be able to feed the ducks in the city of San Luis Obispo.

Tuesday night, the city council passed its new storm water management regulations. The ordinance prohibits people from feeding ducks at local parks, lakes and creeks. City leaders say feeding animals contributes to pollution."

You know what drug the ducks take?

1 comment:

  1. In the Babylon 5 episode "Hour of the Wolf" (s 4 ep 1), G'Kar and Zack are discussing the large picture of Daffy Duck in Giribaldi's quarters.

    G'Kar: I was studying this image. Is it one of his household gods?

    Zack: Nah. That's Daff--. Yeah, well. In a way I suppose it is. It's sort of the Egyptian god of frustration.

    G'Kar (laughing): Most appropriate.
