Saturday, March 27, 2010

Obama readies steps to fight foreclosures, particularly for unemployed -

Obama readies steps to fight foreclosures, particularly for unemployed - "The Obama administration plans to overhaul how it is tackling the foreclosure crisis, in part by requiring lenders to temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments for many borrowers who are unemployed, senior officials said Thursday."
Which will push more banks into insolvency, and thus into the arms of the ever-expanding federal regulatory apparatus, where they will be reprogrammed as community service agencies?


  1. Now the White House will be demonizing the banks for trying to protect their investments in loans.

    Banks are supposed to be in business. Now they are expected to be giving away their assets, which is what the White House is doing with public funds.

    I wonder if the rats are following!

  2. "Be aggressive with your foreclosure actions."

    Donna D. Berger, Esq.
    Thursday, April 01, 2010
    "Time to Tighten Up Your Current Collection Policy"
