Saturday, March 27, 2010

Eldo Telecom: Study points to demise of burbs as bedroom communities

Eldo Telecom: Study points to demise of burbs as bedroom communities: "A study by the Chicago-based Center for Neighborhood Technology found that long commutes to jobs in the Los Angeles basin from California's Inland Empire area (San Bernardino/Riverside) aren't really worth it when the cost of commuting if factored in. For decades, housing that costs less than comparable real estate closer to jobs in L.A. was the draw that fueled the region's growth. But when the costs of hours spent in cars and gasoline and maintenance are taken into account, it comes out a wash. (And arguably, potentially a net loss when the adverse work/life balance and health affects are included)."
Fred Pilot, on his blog, zeroes in on the problem that is setting the limits to suburbia.

1 comment:

  1. The idea of home ownership and a (mobile) workforce that has to adapt to the needs of employers are both ideas championed by conservatives.

    Yet these to principles are at odds with each other.

    A man anchored to his community by property and a family cannot easily "go where the jobs are."

    The solution is obviously to give up on individual private property ownership, and have workers live in corporate barracks. The HOA management companies could be contracted to operate these barracks, manage the company store, and keep the residents in line.

    Any children could be sent to either corporate or government boarding schools, where they will be raised to take their place in the workforce.

    There, they will be taught to be loyal, hard working and give 110% until it become economically advantageous for the corporation to replace them with somebody younger and cheaper.

    Meanwhile, the vacated properties in the now empty suburbs could be turned into weekend and/or vacation retreats for the economically and politically well connected.
