Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Schwarzenegger: Martha Coakley shouldn't have tried to assume the Kennedy legacy | California Politics | Los Angeles Times

Schwarzenegger: Martha Coakley shouldn't have tried to assume the Kennedy legacy | California Politics | Los Angeles Times: "“Anyone else that tries to use that name and to step in and says, ‘And I’m going to protect the Kennedy legacy’ – that didn’t work,” Schwarzenegger said as he emerged from a meeting with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “Because the people know that there’s only one that can really protect the Kennedy legacy and this was Teddy, or, you know, one from that family. But not someone from the outside.”"
And of course Fred Pilot skewers the Governator with this terse comment: "Caroline should have know?" Let's face it. Has subtlety ever been Arnold's strong suit? I don't think so. But there is a problem. Caroline lives in Caleeforneea, not Mahsseeechuusetts. Yet, Arnold thinks he may yet be President even though he was born in Austria, so I think these residency issues are always negotiable in his mind.


  1. Oh well. At least, as Coakley pointed out in her concession speech, her dogs are happier now that she can spend more time with them.
