Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Way News - Edwards says he's father of Rielle Hunter's child

My Way News - Edwards says he's father of Rielle Hunter's child: "Frances was born Feb. 27, 2008, indicating that the child was conceived in the middle of 2007, several months after Hunter stopped working for Edwards. John and Elizabeth Edwards renewed their wedding vows in July of 2007 to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.

Elizabeth Edwards, whose cancer returned in an incurable form in March 2007, has stood by her husband despite the affair. She has said that it does not matter to her whether her husband fathered a child with Hunter, saying, 'that would be a part of John's life, but not a part of mine.'"

Let's see. Nine months before Feb. 27, 2008...that means John Edwards was cheating on his wife just about May 27, 2007, which would be just two months after Elizabeth Edwards learned she had incurable out-of-remission cancer. And then, just six weeks after conceiving little Frances with his mistress, John Edwards renewed his wedding vows to his incurably ill wife. It will soon be revealed that he set up an elaborate scam whereby one of his campaign aides was induced to claim that he, not Edwards, was the father of Frances. They set up Reille Hunter in a house of her own in this aide's gated community, as I recall.

So: while this reptile was one of the leading Democratic candidates for President of the United States he was cheating on his terminally ill wife and lying about it to the country.

Outside of the tabloids, little press attention paid was paid to this particular candidate and his scandal, and even now that it all comes out it is just a blip. How does it stack up with the press attention paid to the much less significant foibles of Sarah Palin?

John Edwards is morally unfit to hold any public office, but he came pretty close to the presidency. I think maybe his supporters ought to think deeply about their own judgment.


  1. Dr. McKenzie,
    Funny, you should just put this story up! i was just sending it to you with some inside info....
    You said:
    "Outside of the tabloids, little press attention paid was paid to this particular candidate and his scandal, and even now that it all comes out it is just a blip. How does it stack up with the press attention paid to the much less significant foibles of Sarah Palin?"
    Like with other issues YOU ARE VERY FAMILIAR WITH (HOA, COA, CID VICTIMIZATIONS, FRAUDULENT FORECLOSURES,ETC...)the press would not cover this story!
    Dr. McKenzie, I fear many in the MSM do not want to hear, or know the truth! In addition, if you are part of the "wacko well connected," it appears it is even harder for the truth to be reported accuratel, fairly!
    This is a terribly sad situation. Let's pray he does take care of the child and that his family can get through this....

  2. Professor you said;
    "I think maybe his supporters ought to think deeply about their own judgment."
    This is and unfair comment. John Edwards is obviously a poster man for sociopathy. His wife, and her "influence," behind the scenes(as apparently she knew the entire situation during the campaign and yet, encouraged him to conceal all) is also, obviously capable of extremely selfish and deceptive behavior. I do understand and empathize withe her health difficulities, but even that is no excuse. Mr. Edwards had promised/implied to some he would utilize the powers he had at UNC Poverty Center to assist some of the victims in the fraudulent HOA/COA foreclosures...THOSE MADE HOMELESS DUE TO GREED, FRAUD, LIES, EXTORTION, ETC.. Mr. Edwards and those at the UNC Center well well advised on these scams and the chance thet he would do some good, for the victims was hopeful.
    I do not know many, even now, that are actively trying to assist the victims of these scams, except for the notable in advocacy and homeowner law: Shu Bartholomew, George Staropoli, Donie Vanitzian, David Kahne, Rep. Robaina, Jan Bergemann, Texas Advocy Group, AHRC, Dr. Joyce Starr, ETC... that are/maybe your loyal followers.

  3. Look--it was obvious from Day One that John Edwards is a sociopathic liar. You could listen to him for 30 seconds and see that he was masking his own limitless greed and ambition beneath the corniest, phoniest, man-of-the-people image ever created. Anybody who bought his snake oil needs to sit down and take a long, hard look at how and why you were so easily fooled. And it should be done before it comes time to vote again. You can't vote for somebody just because of what they claim to care about. Edwards never had any substance to begin with. He ran as a centrist to get into the Senage and to be a VP, then four years later he was a leftist who criticized the very positions he himself had espoused. And still people voted for him. Why? Well--how many votes do you think he would have received if he didn't have movie star looks?

  4. Professor McKenzie,
    RE: Evan McKenzie said...,
    Thank you for your expertise, insight and experience pertaining to John Edwards. When someone knows the history, of this former politician, as you do, and as you have explained, it is easy to see what this man obviously is.
    Unfortunately, it appears far too many of our politicians share the flip-flop, what works now, code of hypocrisy and ethics. Thank you for your reply.
    Professor McKenzie,
    RE: Evan McKenzie said...,
    Thank you for your expertise, insight and experience pertaining to John Edwards. When someone knows the history, of this former politician, as you do, and as you have explained, it is easy to see what this man obviously is.
    Unfortunately, it appears far too many of our politicians share the flip-flop, what works now, code of hypocrisy and ethics. Thank you for your reply.
    ps. Do you know of any elected officials who are reaching out to help the victims in the HOA/COA/CID foreclosures?

  5. If people could divine the state of a person's soul just by viewing him on tv, we wouldn't need our criminal justice system. And if ambition were a disqualifier for public office, we wouldn't have any elected officials.

    I hope Edwards serves time for misusing campaign donations (as it seems he did).

  6. Sure, they are all ambitious. But not many of them are amoral charlatans like him. No ideology, no vision, no policy agenda--just the pure lust for power. I have always been astounded that so many people couldn't see what an awful person he is. He is really one of the worst human beings who has held national office in this country for a long time. Even Nixon had a political world view. Bush, bad as he was, has at least some values and cares about his family. Edwards? Nothing but pure unchecked ambition. He goes from one lie to another, to another, and delivers them all with the same transparently fake sincerity. And he will never stop doing it as long as he draws breath, because he has absolutely no conscience and no shame.

    And you know what? Some people are so gullible that they would vote for him again.

  7. "....And you know what? Some people are so gullible that they would vote for him again."

    Excellent post and opinion of a true sociopath. Where do you think Mrs. Edwards fits in this saga? Apparently, it is claimed, she was well aware of the girlfriend, relationship and soon to be child, yet, stood behind her husband's ongoing deception. Her illness is a very sad ordeal, and I wish what this woman has endured on no one, but even this terrible health trauma is no excuse for her role, if it is true that she knew.
    There is supposed to be a special on Friday, 01-29-10, unraveling the entire situation with Andrew Young and others. Andrew Young is interviewed and in the special confessing his role and all.....

  8. He's a toad, but fortunately he's yesterday's toad. At this point I'd say move on, there's no longer much to see here except for a hairdo.

  9. Update- 01-27-10

    John Edwards, Wife Separate, Report Says

    CNN (Jan. 27) -- Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, who admitted last week that he fathered a child with a videographer, separated Wednesday from his wife, Elizabeth, according to a source close to her.

    Edwards, 56, denied he was the infant's father for more than a year, saying his affair with Rielle Hunter was over before she became pregnant.

    The former U.S. senator from North Carolina unsuccessfully sought the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. He was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in 2004.

    Elizabeth Edwards' sister, Nancy Anania, told People magazine in an article dated Wednesday that Elizabeth told her, "I've had it. I can't do this. I want my life back."

    The sister told the magazine, "She's got cancer and has young children and totally believes in marriage ... but she can only do so much."
    Filed under: Nation, Politics
