Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Old race restrictive covenant surfaces

NAACP: Homeowners group discriminatory - "The state and local NAACP filed a complaint in 2007 with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee for posting a sample deed that contained an almost-100-year-old clause stating that 'people of the Caucasian race only' could own or live in a Myers Park house, the Charlotte Observer reported Tuesday."
These old covenants are still around. From the 1880s to the 1940s they were commonplace, so plenty of old associations have them, even though they have been unenforceable since 1948. Thanks to Fred Pilot for the link.

1 comment:

  1. What does it matter? Now, they just secretly discriminate. It is called harassment, fabricated assessments, lawsuits and foreclosure, if they can get away with it! And, it appears they do!
