Tuesday, December 15, 2009

FOXNews.com - Not So Private Property?: Clean Water Restoration Act Raises Fears of Land Grab

FOXNews.com - Not So Private Property?: Clean Water Restoration Act Raises Fears of Land Grab: "The Clean Water Restoration Act currently pending in the U.S. Senate could reach to control even a 'seasonal puddle' on private property.

Eleven senators and 17 representatives in the U.S. House have sent a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasting the measure as one of the boldest property grab attempts of all time.

This bill is described by opponents as a sweeping overhaul of the Clean Water Act that could threaten both physical land and jobs by wiping out some farmers entirely."

The EPA has jurisdiction over "navigable" waters. This bill removes the word "navigable." You know that puddle in your back yard?


  1. I'm still waiting for the government to tell seniors to kill themselves, to close down yard sales, and to ban all expensive medical procedures. After that, I'll start worrying about the government taking over that puddle in my back yard. :)

  2. First they came for the yard sales, and I said nothing. Then they came for the puddles, and still I said nothing. Then they came for my flagpole...

  3. What about all those retention basins that are part of new HOAs? Because of the increased density and inability for rain/storm water to get absorbed in the ground, local municipal governments mandate them (the HOAs AND the ponds) but then complain that HOAs don't maintain them properly.

    I suppose it is BIG Brother to the rescue?

  4. Evan--LOL!

    Shu, I was wondering about retention ponds, too. Our is county maintained, but surely others are not.

  5. Beth,

    Here, in Fairfax County, where HOAs are mandated, everything is being covered with asphalt and all local laws as well as the clean water Federal legislation is geared towards protecting the Chesapeake Bay from run off, retention ponds are also mandated. Naturally Fairfax County is more concerned with taking in money (allegedly over 200 separate taxes and fees) than it is actually maintaining anything so the retention ponds are made part of the HOAs. Sometimes it is the ONLY common property in the project.

  6. What lawmakers and those legitimately concerned with clean water should be seeking to regulate is the golf course communities and the toxic coctails they may be contribuiting to the aquifers and other water supplies. This is an outrage. Seeing that they do not test for these poisions, who is the wiser? Most have private water companies, with, of course retention ponds, some of which, look like toxic waste dumps! I have seen these chemicals and even tried to look a few up.
    One, says says something like "no human life should be in the treatment area for 24 hours following applications." Well, homes, people are in the treatment areas. In one of these groups, there was a woman who became so ill every time they treated for some kind of crickets, she had to vacate her home, prior to the treatments. One community I was reading about, the bugs were being driven off the golf course (couldn't take the chemicals, I suspect)infesting homes.
    It is not just the obvious chemicals, either. No one knows what happens when you mix different suspected toxins, or when you have too many golf courses in a given mileage area. I am all for recreation and golf, but look at the potential consequences to far too many who do not live, support, own, maintain, etc. this standard of living. Another wake up call, if anyone is listening.
    Who will pay for this one?????
