Sunday, November 22, 2009

HOA foreclosures high in Myrtle Beach area as dues fall behind - Local -

HOA foreclosures high in Myrtle Beach area as dues fall behind - Local - "John Fritzsch knew he was behind on his payments to his homeowners association, but he was still floored when he learned those late payments had led the association to foreclose on his condominium in Myrtle Beach.

'It wasn't something that I expected,' he said, adding that he didn't know the association had the power to foreclose on him.

Fritzsch, of Brick, N.J., was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after buying the condo in 2005, a setback that forced him to stop working and that brought mounds of medical bills - which made him fallbehind on his HOA payments."

The foreclosures are mounting, and we are not at the peak yet.

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