Sunday, November 22, 2009

The battle at Bridgewater

The battle at Bridgewater: "WESLEY CHAPEL - As he tries to rehabilitate his struggling neighborhood, Mark Spector, president of the Bridgewater homeowners association, has taken a 'zero tolerance' approach toward people who break his community's rules."
They even hired a PR firm. But how do you sell that zero tolerance policy to prospective buyers? That's an unpleasant prospect for most people.

1 comment:

  1. No PR Firm can ever solve Bridgewater’s real problem which is that CID housing with HOA governance is the housing industries ultimate defective corporate product which automatically produces endless issues for members. In fact PR/marketing is what led to all of Bridgewater’s problems when it denied all prospective buyers a full disclosure of the many risks and liabilities if they purchased within a CID. Including a failure to disclose to buyers that they were entering into a risky business partnership with their homes and condo’s being used as collateral to assure the HOA’s existence into perpetuity with no guarantee of increased property values, a better lifestyle or a vibrant community.

    HOAs have been described as, fragile institutions and that’s a stretch at best. To many internal and external circumstances caused by many different things and people both members and non can throw an HOA into a finacial tail spin. Consequently in the end the owners are always left with no lifeline and lots of potential wreckage while many others are guaranteed to profit.

    Bridgewater’s zero tolerance approach is another good example of insult added to injury as the members who are left will be further victimized again by this defective corporate product, that was never intended to primarily benefit it’s members. If Bridgewater wants to hire a PR firm to really make a difference. They should be addressing the real root of the problem’s found in it’s structure called privatized governance by contract and not victimize it’s members again for being deceived the first time when PR/marketing denied them an honest and reasonable disclosure of what they would be getting into.
