Monday, October 26, 2009

Newspapers Across the Country Show Steep Declines in Circulation, in New FAS-FAX

Newspapers Across the Country Show Steep Declines in Circulation, in New FAS-FAX: "Circulation at many of the country's largest newspapers continued a steep slide as the Audit Bureau of Circulations Monday morning released the latest figures for the six months ending September 2009 -- proving yet again that the industry can't shake the dramatic declines that have taken hold over the past several years."
Of course there are many reasons for this. But even with all the technological challenges they face from TV, radio, and the internet, I think they would be doing better if they acted more like professional news organizations that gather and report and analyze news. There is way too much flacking for the Obama administration. People aren't stupid. They remember how these same newspapers treated Bush.

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