Monday, October 26, 2009

CARPE DIEM: Profit Margin: Health Insurance Industry Ranks #86

CARPE DIEM: Profit Margin: Health Insurance Industry Ranks #86: "As the table above of Profit Margins by Industry shows (click to enlarge, data here for the most recent quarter), the industry 'Health Care Plans' ranks #86 by profit margin (profits/revenue) at 3.3%. Measured by profit margin, there are 85 industries more profitable than Health Care Plans (includes Cigna, Aetna, WellPoint, HealthSpring, etc.)."
But that won't stop Obama Inc. from continuing to demonize these evil, profiteering, corporate insects.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's safe to say that the feds are looking at tinkering with the higher-profit industries on that list, too. :)
