Wednesday, September 02, 2009

State Legislators In Now-Infamous Solitaire Photo Identified - Capitol Watch

State Legislators In Now-Infamous Solitaire Photo Identified - Capitol Watch: "On the left is Rep. Barbara Lambert, a freshman Democrat from Milford who won her first legislative election in November 2008. She replaced longtime Milford Democrat James Amann, who ended his legislative career as the House Speaker and is now running for governor against Republican M. Jodi Rell.

Lambert is playing spider solitaire in the photo, while Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, a Bridgeport Democrat who has served in Hartford since 2005, is playing regular solitaire."

They are playing solitaire while the budget is debated.

1 comment:

  1. As the opposition research of their would be political opponents would say of this pic: "Priceless."
