Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Ex-property manager pleads guilty to grand theft : Local News : Ventura County Star

Ex-property manager pleads guilty to grand theft : Local News : Ventura County Star: "Daphne Ann Brenon, 53, will be sentenced Nov. 4. She is expected to be sentenced to four years and eight months in prison, according to Senior Deputy District Attorney Howard Wise.

Brenon was the property manager for Spanish Hills Homeowners Association of Camarillo from 1998 to 2004, Wise said. While in that position, Brenon stole more than $400,000 from the homeowners association by writing association checks to herself and her employer, Dahl Davis Property Management in Westlake Village, according to the district attorney’s office."

Another isolated instance of misconduct.

1 comment:

  1. Senior Deputy District Attorney Howard Wise should consider educating every other DA in the country on how to prosecute this type of crime in an HOA/CID and the created conflict, everything fabricated version (false assessments, bills, terrorizing, harassment, etc.). It should not matter who is carrying out these crimes. They should be prosecuted no matter who they are and/or who they know!
