Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shut Yer Mouth: Man Gets 6 Months for Yawning | NBC New York

Shut Yer Mouth: Man Gets 6 Months for Yawning | NBC New York: "[Clifton} Williams, 33, attended his cousin's July hearing at Will County Courthouse in Joliet. His cousin, Jason Mayfield, pled guilty to a felony drug charge. As the judge sentenced Mayfield to two years probation, Williams let out a yawn, an involuntary faux pas in such a formal setting.

Circuit Judge Daniel Rozak thought the yawn was criminal and sentenced Williams to six months in jail, the maximum penalty for contempt of court without a jury trial. Rozak's order said that Williams 'raised his hands while at the same time making a loud yawning sound,' causing a disrespectful interruption in court."

The article goes on to say that Judge Rozak is known for this sort of thing.

1 comment:

  1. Just when you thought things couldn't get anymore ridiculous...
