Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Michigan Dems consider 2010 ballot proposals - Coldwater, MI - The Daily Reporter

State Dems consider 2010 ballot proposals - Coldwater, MI - The Daily Reporter: "The state Democratic Party (MDP) has raised eyebrows and drawn fire by suggesting some controversial ballot proposals for next year’s general elections.

With the heading of “Putting People First,” they listed them as such:
- Mandating all employers to provide affordable health care for their employees and dependents or pay a penalty.
- Raising the minimum wage from $7.40 per hour to $10 and covering all workers with no exceptions.
- Increasing unemployment benefits by $100/week, making all workers eligible and adding six months to the time one can receive benefits.
- Cutting utility rates by 20 percent.
- Imposing a one-year moratorium on home foreclosures."

Wow. Michigan's economy is already just about the worst of all states. This ought to drive out the rest of the businesses.


  1. This is how it started in California, what an example to follow.

    Glad I left Michigan.

  2. The so-called "Democratic" Party should just be honest and rename itself the NATIONAL SOCIALIST (NAZI) party of America! That is just what they are, a bunch of fascist, anal retentive lunatics. This is exactly their mindset in California, and exactly why that state is a political and economic basket case.

    I am glad that I live in neither California or Michigan, but wonder how long it will be before I have to leave the country because this lunacy has been spread nationwide by imperial Washington.
