Saturday, August 22, 2009

People With Illegal Chickens As Pets Form Group To Urge Legalization -

People With Illegal Chickens As Pets Form Group To Urge Legalization - "Campaign For Legalization Of Urban Chicken Keeping Takes Wing"
And it's Sacramento, CA.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lordy. What will they think of next?

    I suppose whacky CID owners are going to want to raise hens for fresh eggs and chickens without all the hormones and chemicals now.

    Don't they know that healthy living and HOAs just don't mix? And next they'll find some clueless congressman who really doesn't get what we are trying to do in CIDs to introduce legislation over ruling the HOA bans on healthy living.

    No wonder property values in this country are in the toilet. And speaking of toilets, I guess they'll want toilets in their front yards next to use as flower pots. Recycling, they call it!
