Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is God protecting Fla. at Gov. Crist's request? - Yahoo! News

Is God protecting Fla. at Gov. Crist's request? - Yahoo! News: Thus spake Governor Crist: "'Do you know the last time it was we had a hurricane in Florida? It's been awhile. In 2007, I took my first trade mission. Do you know where I went?' said Crist, a Methodist, referring to a trip to Israel.

He then told of going to the Western Wall and inserting a note with a prayer. He said it read, 'Dear God, please protect our Florida from storms and other difficulties. Charlie.'

'Time goes on — May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December — no hurricanes,' Crist said. 'Thank God.'"

Better keep this man in office. He has a direct connection to the Creator.

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