Friday, June 12, 2009

Village to take control of private road from residents :: Plainfield Sun :: News

Village to take control of private road from residents :: Plainfield Sun :: News: "PLAINFIELD--The village will take over a private road for a group of residents who did not know it was their responsibility until about a year ago. After 13 years, the Cambridge Circle residents learned their road was private when they discovered their original annexation agreement in June 2008. The Cambridge at the Reserve Homeowners Association notified the village, which apparently also was not aware the road was private. Recently the residents and village agreed that the road would become the village's responsibility. Before that happens, the residents will upgrade the road, sidewalk, curb and gutter."
Morals of the story: first, villages don't take over substandard private roads, which is why the residents have to pay to upgrade it; second, it is amazing how many documents go unread.

Thanks to Fred Pilot for this tale.

1 comment:

  1. Private local governing docs go unread because Americans by and large continue to expect such infrastructure to be publicly owned and maintained.

    In this respect, local government privatization has been largely been a paper exercise and has not been accepted and embraced by the American public.
